Thoughts. Prayers. Action.


People of faith coming together to restore the soul of the nation.


Big-Tent Faith

We’re a group of neighbors and friends, clergy, activists & ordinary Americans looking to be the change we want to see in our country. In a time of crisis, we know there’s more that unites us than that which divides us. That’s why we’re keeping the faith and using our voices, together.

Inspired To Act

Our country is not where it should be. Whether it is painful impact of racism, climate change, or disturbing scenes of kids separated from their parents at the border, we know America is better than this. That is why we are taking action.

Vote For Change

Elections matter. Our democracy is at stake in the 2024 presidential election. That is why Faith Forward is raising awareness, mobilizing faith-rooted voters to get out the vote and doing our part to restore the soul of the nation. We’re a group of progressives, independents and conservatives seeking change.

Join In

Sign up to find out ways to join us for online opportunities to mobilize and raise awareness!